
Lessons learnt from hiring in a challenging market

Lessons learnt from hiring in a challenging market

在过去的七年里, the UK economy has experienced a huge amount of turbulence due to national and global events; from Brexit and IR35 to the Global Chip shortage, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 转向远程办公, The War in Ukraine and The Collapse of SVB.

These events have painfully highlighted one of the features of a highly interconnected global market on national economies; when anyone sneezes, 我们都感冒了.

The UK talent market is often referred to as the weathervane of the economy, 我们首先感受到的影响是,对人才的需求随着市场对这些经济事件的情绪而扩大和缩小. But the story only gets stranger when looking at Technology talent markets.

确定, 我们都读过,由于全球事件和后covid热潮中过度渴望招聘,大型科技公司解雇了大量专业人士. You’d be forgiven for thinking that access to tech talent should be getting easier. It’s hard to put into words just how big, robust and dynamic the digital market is. 虽然2023年的一些招聘变得容易了,但许多人仍然在挣扎,因为最好的候选人很容易找到工作,而那些有稳定职位的人决定不冒险在不确定的时期搬家.

我们可以相信,这些经济波动将继续作为全球化的一个特征, 而且我认为,随着需求持续供过于求,招聘数字和技术人才的挑战不会很快变得更容易(作为一个行业,我们需要做更多的工作来促进基层人才,但这是另一个故事)。.

So if you are hiring it’s important we understand how to be successful, 在全球最大的博彩平台雇佣数字和技术人才的20年经验教会了我一些东西,让我知道什么有用,什么没用. 以下是我所学到的.


最优秀的候选人会有大量的机会可供选择,所以你需要确保你的提议是有吸引力的, 第一步是了解你的公司和机会对你的目标候选人市场有什么吸引力.

A great place to start is to engage your existing staff, 问问他们为什么喜欢为你工作, what convinced them to join and why they’ve stayed with you. 了解是什么让你脱颖而出, whether it's a flexible work environment, 发展框架, 可持续发展实践, exciting technology or longstanding industry presence. 

Further, listen to the market and consider the type of people you are hiring for. 例如,开发人员在选择不同于其他技能的工作机会时就有特定的标准. 了解这些优先事项是什么,并强调贵公司擅长的方面. 

当你投资于开发和交付一个强大的员工价值主张(EVP)时, you are 50% more likely to attract talent. 

重要的是, people want to work somewhere where people are happy, 28% of candidates say it’s a top priority when considering a new job. 


You’ve listened to your people and the market; you’ve defined why you’re a great company to work for and can clearly articulate your EVP. But this means nothing if you don’t tell people about it. 在候选人手册、网站上的职业页面和社交媒体页面上捕捉你的执行副总裁. 不要忽视就业推荐网站,因为我知道他们经常是人们抱怨的地方,他们是潜在的未来员工寻找了解你业务的地方. 

对于技术人员来说,技术博客是展示正在进行的项目和技术进步的好方法, to appeal to the tech-savvy candidates you aim to attract.

我还建议积极参加社区活动,以提高公司的知名度和吸引力, 无论是举办一场活动,还是让你的员工休假参加活动,这都有助于传播你的信息.

Building your employment brand in the market requires consistent promotional activity. 定期举办活动, 分享员工的成功, 视频和员工推荐应该是你策略的核心部分,也是最有效的策略, encourage your people to do the sharing for you. Your employee network is likely to be bigger than the brand's candidate network, and their voice is more holds more weight. 


In today's competitive hiring environment, speed is your best friend. The most successful employers streamline their processes, 对简历提供快速反馈, 加快面试安排, and deliver prompt feedback on ALL candidate performance, 不管他们是否成功.

44%的应聘者认为在面试后等待超过两周意味着这个机会不再值得. 而更快的响应时间则被公司列为改善求职者体验的首选方式. 你走得越快, the more likely you are to secure top talent, as delays will result in losing potential candidates to other opportunities.

Simplify the interview process by minimising unnecessary stages. Successful employers have streamlined their procedures, often opting for just one or two interview stages. Most candidates (51%) think only two rounds of interviews are necessary. 此外, 对于技术角色, consider omitting the traditional tech test, as it can be perceived as an additional hurdle for candidates.

Maintain your image, even when the news isn’t positive.

Not every candidate will receive an offer, 如何处理拒绝是建立雇主品牌的关键,尤其是在全球最大的博彩平台,我们有一个紧密联系的社区.

The rejection process is an opportunity to leave a positive impression, 提供建设性的反馈, 突出需要改进的地方. 一次积极的拒绝经历会让求职者对你的公司产生持续的积极印象. 1 in 5 candidates will hurt your brand if you don’t follow up, including declining to recommend it to others or leaving a negative review. 


金钱万能,对吗?? While the hiring process involves many factors, salary is always number one on any list of motivators for choosing a role. Ensure that you are offering a competitive salary. 还记得, it's not necessarily about offering the highest salary but if you're not competitive, you're not going to get the top tier of talent, no matter how great you think your opportunity is.

Don’t turn candidates off during onboarding.

The candidate's experience doesn't end with an offer acceptance. 在入职前保持持续的沟通,确保顺利的入职过程. 这不仅能让应聘者参与进来,还能从一开始就给你的公司留下积极的印象.

这个市场不稳定。, 不确定的, 复杂而模糊, 2024 is predicted to be a positive year for global markets and, 虽然这对就业来说是个好消息, the demand for top tech talent will intensify. 企业有一个招聘策略,使他们能够获得实现业务目标的技能,这是非常重要的, 不要被落下, 希望这些建议能帮助你的组织赢得所谓的人才争夺战. 


